Nature-related topics are often complex. European legislation, such as the Birds and Habitats Directives and the Water Framework Directive, requires governments to consider nature protection during the development and implementation of new policies.
As a result, Ameco supports integrated approaches in projects where nature protection and policy development are key themes. In assisting governments during the development of legislation for the protection of nature and during the realisation of management plans for protected areas and surrounding environment, we try to ensure that sufficient attention is given to the sustainable utilisation of natural resources and the economic and social development of the area in question.
The role of bees in the spread of pollen grains from GM field trials
Client: The Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM)
Date: 2011-2012
Country: Netherlands, The
Research on honeybees and their role in spreading pollen grains from field trials with genetically modified plants, for the benefit of improved risk analysis. In cooperation with Wageningen UR. Want to read more? Click here
Public involvement and cooperation as a precondition for nature conservation in Serbia
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2010-2012
Country: Serbia
Establishing preconditions and building capacity of civil society organisations and authorities for integrating socio-economic benefits with nature conservation interests using Fruška Gora National Park as case study for other protected areas in Serbia.
High Conservation Value Forests in Belarus
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (BBI-MATRA)
Date: 2008-2010
Country: Belarus
The incorporation of HCVF management in standard forestry practice, by performing pilot projects on the territory of Pruzhany, Dzisna and Hlybokaye forestries.
Integrated management plan Natura 2000 and WFD Grensmaas
Client: Public Works, Province of Limburg
Date: 2007-2009
Country: Netherlands, The
Developing the integrated management plan for the Grensmaas in which Natura 2000 and WFD requirements are incorporated.
Action Plan Natura 2000 Grensmaas
Client: Public Works, Province of Limburg
Date: 2006
Country: Netherlands, The
Drafting the Action Plan for the development of the River Basin Management plan and Natura 2000 management plan for the Grensmaas.
Development of capacity for Natura 2000 management plans
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality (BBI-MATRA)
Date: 2005-2009
Country: Bulgaria
The development of capacity in Bulgaria for the development of Natura 2000 management plans in line with EU requirements. Development of a manual providing guidance for future site managers.
Environmental and sustainable education at primary schools
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2004-2007
Country: Bulgaria
Development of a nationwide capacity-building programme to train primary school teachers on environmental education. This includes development of a national strategy, development of training packages for teacher training institutes, a pilot in schools in selected regions, as well as the development of a website and a resource centre.
Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation in Romania
Client: Senter International
Date: 2004-2006
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Government with the implementation of the EU Birds (79/409/EEC) and Habitats (92/43/EEC) Directives for the establishment of the Natura 2000 network.
Developing a National Biodiversity Monitoring Programme
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2004-2005
Country: Bulgaria
Development of a biodiversity monitoring programme for the Executive Environmental Agency, in line with requirements of the EU Habitats and Birds Directives.