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From Public Debate to Public Dialogue: improving public consultation in SEA and EIA procedures in Romania

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 2009-2010
Country: Romania
The project aims to strengthen the relationship between organizations in Romania and The Netherlands responsible for consultation and public participation in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures. The project goal is to improve public consultation in EIA/SEA procedures in Romania.


Implementation of SEA in Romania

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2006-2008
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Ministry of Environment with the implementation of Directive 2001/42/EC on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).


Implementation of EU Nature Conservation Legislation in Romania

Client: Senter International
Date: 2004-2006
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Government with the implementation of the EU Birds (79/409/EEC) and Habitats (92/43/EEC) Directives for the establishment of the Natura 2000 network.


Packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling system, Romania

Client: Senter International
Date: 2004-2005
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Government in fulfilling their obligations in order to become a full member of the European Union. Setting the right institutional and organizational conditions for implementation of the Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste in Romanian law.


Establishment of a Romanian Radioactive Waste Management Organisation (ANDRAD)

Client: Senter International
Date: 2004-2005
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Government with fulfilment of the obligations for the Joint Convention on Safety of Spent Nuclear Fuel management and Safety of Radio Active waste management and the European Council Conclusions on Nuclear Safety.


Sound laboratory practices in Romania

Client: Senter International
Date: 2003-2005
Country: Romania
Advising the Romanian Government on institutional aspects of the implementation of EU legislation for dangerous substances and preparations in relation to sound laboratory practices.


Management of mining waste and stabilization of tailing ponds in the Romanian Maramures district

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 2000-2005
Country: Romania
Stabilization of dams in the Mara Mures county (Baia Mare) in northern Romania. Management of mining waste and stabilization of tailing ponds.


Improving collection and recycling of domestic solid waste, Romania

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 1999-2002
Country: Romania
Assisting a Romanian waste management company and the Municipality of Bucharest with the establishment of separate collection and recycling of waste paper and PET bottles.


Reduction of CO2 emissions at RAFO refinery, Romania

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 1998
Country: Romania

Identification of possibilities for Dutch-Romanian co-operation on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Preparation of terms of reference for a demonstration project with the RAFO oil refinery in Oneti, Bacau region, on improving energy efficiency and reducing (and accounting) CO2 emissions.


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