
Czech Republic
Management system for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Client: Senter International
Date: 2002
Country: Czech Republic, The
Preparation of a Terms of Reference for a project aimed at the development and implementation of a management system for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic.
Development of a plan for hazardous waste in the Czech Republic
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2000
Country: Czech Republic, The
Project design and preparation of Terms of Reference for a bilateral assistance project on the development of a national hazardous waste management plan and the establishment of an implementation structure for hazardous waste regulation in the Czech Republic.
Institutional Strengthening of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate and Implementation of the IPPC Directive
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 1999
Country: Czech Republic, The
Identification of opportunities for Dutch bilateral assistance to the Czech Government and the development of a project proposal, including ToR, with the aim to assist the Czech Government in meeting and enforcing EU Environmental Directives in relation to industry, specifically the IPPC Directive.