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Capacity building of the environmental inspectorate in Georgia

Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Date: 2013
Country: Georgia
Ameco will assist the Government of Georgia in establishing a functioning environmental inspectorate through training of staff in landfill inspection procedures and development and implementation of landfill inspection tools.


Infectious Medical Waste Management in Georgia

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD PSO-M)
Date: 2010-2011
Country: Georgia
Separation of infectious waste streams – coming from hospitals and healthcare centres in Georgia – from other wastes and neutralisation of this hazardous stream. Assessing the generated waste streams, preparing a healthcare waste management plan, procurement and installation of waste treatment equipment, training of medical staff on safe and sound waste management.


Fostering regional development in Armenia and Georgia through cross-border cooperation

Client: VNG International (MATRA)
Date: 2009-2012
Country: Armenia, Georgia
Strengthening regional development in Armenia and Georgia through cross-border cooperation. Strengthening the capacity of local governments, their associations and civil society in Armenia and Georgia to provide better services and improve living conditions.


Development of a sanitary landfill for household waste in Borjomi, Georgia

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD PSO-M)
Date: 2010-2012
Country: Georgia
Establishment of a sanitary landfill for household waste in Borjomi. Demonstration project for larger landfills throughout Georgia in which solutions for waste processing will be introduced according to improved standards.


Public participation in the Georgian-Ossetian zone of conflict

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2008-2011
Country: Georgia
Promoting public participation in the establishment of a sustainable living environment in the Georgian-Ossetian zone of conflict.


Action Programme Dutch and Georgian Environmental Inspectorates

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Date: 2008-2009
Country: Georgia
Development of an Action Programme describing the cooperation between the Dutch and Georgian Environmental Inspectorates.

Visit Minister Cramer to Georgia


Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment

Date: 2008
Country: Georgia
Organisation of a visit of the Dutch Minister of Environment Ms. Cramer to Georgia in the framework of ‘Ten years of environmental cooperation between Georgia and The Netherlands’.


Development of the Georgian National Waste Policy Plan

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Date: 2006-2010
Country: Georgia
Assisting Georgian Government in the development of a National Waste Policy Plan in order to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations.


Regional implementation of the Georgian National Waste Policy Plan

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Date: 2006-2010
Country: Georgia
Providing assistance with environmental policy implementation on a regional level, in order to achieve tangible results and stimulate the acceptance and implementation of the National Waste Policy Plan.


Promoting Community Involvement in Local Waste Management in the Poti-Batumi Coastal Region in Georgia

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2006-2010
Country: Georgia
Promoting community involvement in local waste management in Georgia, through the development and implementation of an integrated, community-supported pilot program.


Technical Assistance to the Georgian Ministry of Environment to Strengthen Project Monitoring and Enforcement Capacities

Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Date: 2006-2010
Country: Georgia
Assisting the Georgian Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in addressing governmental environmental responsibilities in the field of monitoring, surveillance, control and enforcement of environmental legislation and regulation.


Introduction of SEA in the Southern Caucasus, Phase 1: Georgia

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Date: 2005-2009
Country: Georgia
Contribution to the introduction of SEA in Georgia to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations. Supporting the Georgian Government according to internationally recognized standards and approaches for SEA.


Preparation of policy plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Client: UNDP
Date: 2003-2005
Country: Georgia
Providing advice to the Georgian Government on issues related to POPs, chemical safety, legislative tools, BAT techniques, and the sound


Management and destruction of POPs.Development of the National Biosafety Framework for Georgia

Client: UNDP
Date: 2003-2004
Country: Georgia
Project coordinator of UNEP-GEF project to ensure an adequate level of protection in the field of the safe transfer, handling and use of GMOs, taking into account risks to human health, and focusing on transboundary movements of GMOs.


All content on this site © 2019 Ameco Utrecht Netherlands

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