Support for solid waste management in Nairobi
Lacking appropriate solid waste management is a major public health and environmental concern in Kenya. Rapid population growth in combination with lacking waste management services are resulting in illegal dumping of waste in public places. Heaps of garbage are scattered all around the city.
Kenya’s solid waste management situation is largely characterized by low coverage of solid waste collection, pollution from uncontrolled dumping of waste, inefficient public services, unregulated and uncoordinated private sector and lack of key solid waste management infrastructure.
Research report 'Analysis of the European legislation on genetically modified organisms'
Ameco prepared a research report commissioned by the COGEM (the Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification) about European legislation with regard to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The European legislation on GMOs is perceived by many to be complicated. COGEM considers an understanding of the regulatory environment is essential for carrying out an informed debate and substantive dialogue and therefore requested Ameco to draw up an analysis of the EU legislation.
Opening waste transfer station in Koceljeva
Ameco assisted the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection with the design and construction of a waste transfer station in the Municipality of Koceljeva.
On April 5th 2016 the waste transfer station in Koceljeva was officially opened by Mr. Hendrik van den Dool, Ambassador of the Royal Netherlands embassy, Mr. Dušan Ilinčić, Mayor of the Municipality of Koceljeva and Mr. Alexander Vesić, Assistant to the Minister of the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection.
Role of accumulation in safety and risks assessments
Ameco was asked by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (I&M) to examine what role accumulation currently plays in the ongoing safety and risk policies of I&M. The broad overview of how accumulation in safety and risks policies is included is currently lacking. This study focuses on this and on an exploration of options, where necessary, accumulation can be better incorporated into policy and decision making processes.
End-of-Life Vehicles training facility in Turkey realized
Ameco is engaged with the development of a management system of ‘End-of-Life Vehicles’ (ELVs) in Turkey. One of its activities is the construction of a new demonstration and training facility in Istanbul. This activity has now been finalised; all construction works and hardware deliveries have been finalised. In the facility, employees of Turkish car dismantling companies...
Medical waste incinerators installed in Georgia
Ameco has been working on the development and implementation of a national management system for infectious medical waste in Georgia. Management of hazardous waste, including infectious medical waste, is currently not yet included in national legislation. In practice, this means that infectious medical waste is often not separated from other waste and is....
Landfill in Georgia operational
Ameco rehabilitated the landfill of Borjomi, Georgia, together with Georgian and Dutch partners within the framework of the bilateral cooperation between the Netherlands and Georgia.
The landfill is located adjacent to the Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park, one the largest protected areas of Europe. Until recently, the landfill was not....

Consistency check advices chimere viruses
One of the tasks of the Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM) is to advise the Dutch Government on which containment conditions should be met when working with chimere viruses. A chimere virus is a recombinant virus that consists of a combination of the genomes of two viruses and which may display biological properties characteristic for...
New waste project in Serbia
Serbia is interested in Dutch knowledge and skills in relation to waste management; more specific in innovative landfill design and management. The country offers large opportunities for the Dutch business community as European funds for the realisation of 8 regional landfills have been granted and also because European funds are available for the realisation of nearly 30 waste transfer stations. Ameco would like to come into contact with Dutch companies that wish to explore...
