Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in a transboundary context
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2004-2006
Country: Hungary, Slovakia
Assisting Hungary and the Slovak Republic in the implementation of the transboundary aspects of the EU Water Framework Directive.
Regional Environmental Accession Project, Slovakia
Client: UNDP
Date: 2001-2002
Country: Slovakia
Preparing municipalities on environmental aspects of accession, increasing public awareness and strengthening public participation in the EU integration process.
Strategy Johannesburg Summit, Slovakia
Client: UNDP
Date: 2001
Country: Slovakia
Development of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, in cooperation with REC Bratislava.
Assisting SMU - Institute for Methodology, Slovakia
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 1999-2001
Country: Slovakia
Strengthening the Slovak institutional and relational infrastructure in relation to European Conformity Assessment.
