There is a growing need for improved access to clean and safe drinking water worldwide. The outcomes of climate change and the UN Millennium Development Goals will ensure that this issue remains high on the agenda.
Improvements in water provisions and water quality are core activities supported by Ameco. We support governments in implementing the European Water Framework, developing management plans for flood areas and complying with the European Urban Waste Water Directive. Ameco is actively involved in the development, implementation and monitoring of water management policy. We also ensure that civil society organisations are involved in policy development to stimulate a sense of ownership concerning new plans.
In addition to supporting policy development, we are also actively involved in the sustainable embedding of technology, including rainwater harvesting and prevention of water pollution. Our first priority is to ensure that the technology reflects local needs (i.e. that its introduction is demand-driven). We also work in close cooperation with governments and civil society organisations to develop plans for the operation and maintenance of new technology, achieved during training and the exchange of knowledge and experiences.