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Participation & Dialogue

Meetings between governmental officials, citizens and interest groups can sometimes lead to volatile situations in which emotions run high, different conversations take place simultaneously and reactions to arguments are not heard or worse, ignored. The outcomes can make for interesting reading in the local papers but seldom contribute to constructive decision-making, which is the main reason for organising such meetings.  Ameco operates within this force-field by strengthening the capacity of local, regional and national governments to organise and execute public participation processes; and by strengthening the ability of NGOs to constructively lobby in reaction to these processes. In this way the entire process, from planning to decision-making, is considered. Ameco is currently active in countries working towards compliance with EU legislation. Public participation plays an important role in this regard. We help to create spaces in these countries in which constructive public participation processes can take place and for which there is a good balance between society and the government.



Role of accumulation in safety and risks assessments

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Date: 2015-2016
Country: Netherlands, The

Examining what role accumulation currently plays in the ongoing safety and risk policies of I&M. This study focuses on an exploration of options, where necessary, accumulation can be better incorporated into policy and decision making processes.

Want to read more? Click here.


Public involvement and cooperation as a precondition for nature conservation in Serbia

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)

Date: 2010-2012

Country: Serbia

Establishing preconditions and building capacity of civil society organisations and authorities for integrating socio-economic benefits with nature conservation interests using Fruška Gora National Park as case study for other protected areas in Serbia.


Fostering regional development in Armenia and Georgia through cross-border cooperation

Client: VNG International (MATRA)
Date: 2009-2012
Country: Armenia, Georgia
Strengthening regional development in Armenia and Georgia through cross-border cooperation. Strengthening the capacity of local governments, their associations and civil society in Armenia and Georgia to provide better services and improve living conditions.

Want to read more? Click here.


From Public Debate to Public Dialogue: improving public consultation in SEA and EIA procedures in Romania

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 2009-2010
Country: Romania
The project aims to strengthen the relationship between organizations in Romania and The Netherlands responsible for consultation and public participation in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures. The project goal is to improve public consultation in EIA/SEA procedures in Romania.


Public participation in the Georgian-Ossetian zone of conflict

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2008-2011
Country: Georgia
Promoting public participation in the establishment of a sustainable living environment in the Georgian-Ossetian zone of conflict.


Realization of the Bypass Parkstad Limburg

Client: Province of Limburg
Date: 2008-2010
Country: Netherlands, The
Assisting the Province of Limburg in strategy development; stakeholder involvement and communication; and conflict resolution.


High Conservation Value Forests in Belarus

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (BBI-MATRA)
Date: 2008-2010
Country: Belarus
The incorporation of HCVF management in standard forestry practice, by performing pilot projects on the territory of Pruzhany, Dzisna and Hlybokaye forestries.


Urban development project Stadsblokken-Meinerswijk

Client: Municipality of Arnhem
Date: 2008
Country: Netherlands, The
Acting as quality control board on public participation for the urban development plan ‘Stadsblokken-Meinerswijk’, Arnhem. Guiding and organizing public participation processes in the development of a new residential area.


Strengthening the capacity of environmental NGOs

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2007-2010
Country: Kosovo
Increasing the capacity of environmental NGOs, for the development and implementation of local environmental and awareness raising projects (small grants programme). Capacity building of journalists, capacity building for co-operation and networking amongst (international) environmental organisations.


Development of a River Basin Management Plan for the Mirna River, Istria

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2007-2009
Country: Croatia
Assisting the Croatian Government with the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive, regarding the Mirna River Basin. Institutional strengthening of local, regional and national authorities.


Institutional strengthening of IŞKUR and improved employment strategy and vocational rehabilitation for disabled, Turkey

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2007-2008
Country: Turkey
Assisting the Turkish Government with the implementation of European policy guidelines and practices related to equal chances on the labour market for disabled people.


Public participation and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Date: 2007
Country: Netherlands, The
Involving citizens – through organizing a number of workshops and site visits – in developing recommendations aimed at improving the work of the Dutch VROM GMO-Inspectorate.


Strengthening the capacity for public participation in environmental decision making

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2006-2008
Country: Croatia
Providing assistance to the Croatian Government concerning the implementation of two EU Directives derived from the Aarhus Convention. Development and execution of implementation plans, strengthened capacity of local, regional, national authorities and an awareness-raising campaign.


Implementation of SEA in Romania

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2006-2008
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Ministry of Environment with the implementation of Directive 2001/42/EC on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA).


Building capacity for water resources management

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2005-2007
Country: Belarus
Building capacity for integrated water management in the Zapadnaya Dvina River Basin with wide local and regional stakeholder involvement.


Implementation of the Nitrate Directive in Turkey

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2005-2006
Country: Turkey
Assisting the Turkish Government in the development of the institutional and legal infrastructure for the implementation of the EU Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC). Pilot carried out on nitrate pollution, implementation of a monitoring network and policy development in the Eskisehir region.


Environmental and sustainable education at primary schools

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2004-2007
Country: Bulgaria
Development of a nationwide capacity-building programme to train primary school teachers on environmental education. This includes development of a national strategy, development of training packages for teacher training institutes, a pilot in schools in selected regions, as well as the development of a website and a resource centre.


Training on public consultation and participation

Client: Geoplan, and in-company on request
Date: 2004 (since)
Country: Netherlands, The
Practical two day trainings on various communication issues related to public consultation sessions (for example in environmental assessment procedures). Training provides theory and practice on how to approach and communicate respectfully as well as effectively with various representatives of 'the public'.


SEA methods introduction to Lithuanian national policies and territorial planning legislation and praxis

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2003-2004
Country: Lithuania
Assisting the Lithuanian Ministry of Environment with the correct legal transposition and practical implementation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive (2001/42/EC). Transposing the SEA Directive requirements, including the preparation of necessary legal acts for SEA introduction into Lithuanian national policies and territorial planning legislation, and the strengthening and improving skills of the available specialists of public administration responsible for SEA in Lithuania.


Regional waste policy plans, Poland

Client: Senter International
Date: 2002
Country: Poland
Preparation of a detailed Terms of Reference for a project aimed at the development and implementation of Regional Waste Management Plans, including training of regional administration and public awareness training.


Regional centre for sustainable development, Ukraine

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 2002
Country: Ukraine
Establishment of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional Centre for Sustainable Development, including the preparation of the Dnepropetrovsk regional environmental policy.


Regional Environmental Accession Project, Slovakia

Client: UNDP
Date: 2001-2002
Country: Slovakia
Preparing municipalities on environmental aspects of accession, increasing public awareness and strengthening public participation in the EU integration process.


Maaswerken (‘Meuse Works’)

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Date: 1998-2006
Country: Netherlands, The
Lead adviser to the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, and managing the project secretariat, for the approx. USD 500 million ‘Meuse Works’ project. The development and implementation of plans for the Meuse river to improve flood protection, river navigation and nature development in the Meuse valley. The development of a strategic communication policy. Acting as spokesperson for the project.


Improvement of environmental awareness, policy, research and monitoring in Ukraine

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 1998-2001
Country: Ukraine
Improving cooperation between Dnepropetrovsk environmental NGOs; development of capacity for environmental awareness & public involvement; development of a Dnepropetrovsk Oblast environmental policy plan and programme.


Establishment of an Environmental Development Agency in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 1997-2000
Country: Russia
Establishment of an Environmental Development Agency in cooperation with the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Administration, aimed at the development and implementation of environmental demonstration projects, including projects aimed at sustainable agriculture and cleaner production in industry.

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