
The saying ‘there’s money to be made in waste’ can frequently be heard, particularly in developed countries. And yet in countries where we operate, waste is associated with significant environmental problems for which initial investments often outweigh the returns. Assisting governments and the private sector to address these challenges is one of the core activities offered by Ameco. Policy development and the result-orientated and institutional implementation of sustainable waste policies are key areas at both the national and regional level. Not only are the institutional components considered but the practical experience obtained during the development of small-scale projects as well, during which NGOs and citizens are involved and contribute to improvements in waste management.
Supporting the development of a waste management authority in Nairobi, Kenya
Client: Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development
Date: 2017
Country: Kenya
The initiative aims at the establishment of a Solid Waste Management Authority (SWMA), to develop a framework for engagement with the private sector, to establish a tariff system, to develop policy for solid waste management in the selected counties and to contribute to institutional strengthening as a basis for private sector involvement.
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Assistance options for improved waste management and water quality in Ukraine
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Date: 2015 - 2016
Country: Ukraine
Exploring opportunities for renewal of bilateral cooperation in the fields of environment and sustainable development, in particular focused on water quality and water management and waste treatment and waste management.
Construction of a waste transfer and treatment facility in Serbia
Client: NL EVD International
Date: 2013 - 2015
Country: Serbia
The project aims at providing the municipality of Koceljeva with a waste transfer station that can receive the waste from the municipalities of Koceljeva and Vladimirci and from where the collected waste can be transported to the regional waste management centre in Kalenic (and to recycling companies in the region). Want to read more? Click here
Capacity building of the environmental inspectorate in Georgia
Client: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Date: 2013
Country: Georgia
Ameco will assist the Government of Georgia in establishing a functioning environmental inspectorate through training of staff in landfill inspection procedures and development and implementation of landfill inspection tools. Want to read more? Click here
Development of a Management System of End-of-Life Vehicles in Turkey
Client: NL EVD International
Date: 2012 - 2013
Country: Turkey
The purpose of the project is to set-up a facility that fully cooperates with the Turkish government and industry, complies with relevant legislation relating to the monitoring of ELV recycling and is able to run as a profitable independent business without financial support from the government. Want to read more? Click here
Water quality improvement at landfill sites in Turkey
Client: Private company (Partners for Water)
Date: 2011-2012
Country: Turkey
The project is aimed at studying the technical and economical feasibility, as well as the market potential of sustainable leachate treatment and prevention systems for obsolete landfill sites in Turkey. After the feasibility and technical review, a preliminary design will be made for three distinct dump sites. This preliminary design will serve as a basis for discussions with local and national governmental institutes and agencies, and to market the approach after the start of the project. Want to read more? Click here
Development of a sanitary landfill for household waste in Borjomi, Georgia
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD PSO-M)
Date: 2010-2012
Country: Georgia
Establishment of a sanitary landfill for household waste in Borjomi. Demonstration project for larger landfills throughout Georgia in which solutions for waste processing will be introduced according to improved standards.
Infectious Medical Waste Management in Georgia
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD PSO-M)
Date: 2010-2011
Country: Georgia
Separation of infectious waste streams – coming from hospitals and healthcare centres in Georgia – from other wastes and neutralisation of this hazardous stream. Assessing the generated waste streams, preparing a healthcare waste management plan, procurement and installation of waste treatment equipment, training of medical staff on safe and sound waste management.
Biogas extraction and utilization at Preobrazhenka landfill, Russia
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD PSO-M)
Date: 2010-2011
Country: Russia
Demonstration of a new technology for the extraction of landfill gas and generation of electricity at Preobrazhenka landfill in Samara with the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases and improving labour conditions.
Development of the Georgian National Waste Policy Plan
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Date: 2006-2010
Country: Georgia
Assisting Georgian Government in the development of a National Waste Policy Plan in order to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations.
Regional implementation of the Georgian National Waste Policy Plan
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
Date: 2006-2010
Country: Georgia
Providing assistance with environmental policy implementation on a regional level, in order to achieve tangible results and stimulate the acceptance and implementation of the National Waste Policy Plan.
Promoting Community Involvement in Local Waste Management in the Poti-Batumi Coastal Region in Georgia
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2006-2010
Country: Georgia
Promoting community involvement in local waste management in Georgia, through the development and implementation of an integrated, community-supported pilot program.
Packaging and packaging waste recovery and recycling system, Romania
Client: Senter International
Date: 2004-2005
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Government in fulfilling their obligations in order to become a full member of the European Union. Setting the right institutional and organizational conditions for implementation of the Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste in Romanian law.
Establishment of a Romanian Radioactive Waste Management Organisation (ANDRAD)
Client: Senter International
Date: 2004-2005
Country: Romania
Assisting the Romanian Government with fulfilment of the obligations for the Joint Convention on Safety of Spent Nuclear Fuel management and Safety of Radio Active waste management and the European Council Conclusions on Nuclear Safety.
Preparation of policy plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
Client: UNDP
Date: 2003-2005
Country: Georgia
Providing advice to the Georgian Government on issues related to POPs, chemical safety, legislative tools, BAT techniques, and the sound management and destruction of POPs.
Management system for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Client: Senter International
Date: 2002
Country: Czech Republic, The
Preparation of a Terms of Reference for a project aimed at the development and implementation of a management system for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic.
Regional waste policy plans, Poland
Client: Senter International
Date: 2002
Country: Poland
Preparation of a detailed Terms of Reference for a project aimed at the development and implementation of Regional Waste Management Plans, including training of regional administration and public awareness training.
Management of mining waste and stabilization of tailing ponds in the Romanian Maramures district
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 2000-2005
Country: Romania
Stabilization of dams in the Mara Mures county (Baia Mare) in northern Romania. Management of mining waste and stabilization of tailing ponds.
Development of a plan for hazardous waste in the Czech Republic
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2000
Country: Czech Republic, The
Project design and preparation of Terms of Reference for a bilateral assistance project on the development of a national hazardous waste management plan and the establishment of an implementation structure for hazardous waste regulation in the Czech Republic.
Improving collection and recycling of domestic solid waste, Romania
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs
Date: 1999-2002
Country: Romania
Assisting a Romanian waste management company and the Municipality of Bucharest with the establishment of separate collection and recycling of waste paper and PET bottles.
Assessment of waste market in Central- and Eastern Europe
Client: Province of Noord-Holland
Date: 1999
Country: Netherlands, The
Assessment of waste market in Central- and Eastern Europe.
Manganese recovery from mining tailings
Client: Senter International
Date: 1998
Country: Netherlands, The
A feasibility study for SMEs on manganese recovery from mining tailings.
Manganese recovery from mining tailings in Ukraine
Client: European Commission (CRAFT Exploratory Award Research)
Date: 1998
Country: Ukraine
Development of, and feasibility study for, a new method for the recovery of manganese from mine tailings in Ukraine.
Municipal waste management in Kenya
Client: BINS, Nairobi
Date: 1997
Country: Kenya
Development of a waste management strategy and program for the Kenyan region of Kisumu