
Het verbeteren van de watervoorziening en waterkwaliteit behoort tot de kernactiviteiten van Ameco. We ondersteunen overheden bij het implementeren van de Europese Kaderrichtlijn Water, bij het ontwikkelen van beheerplannen voor stroomgebieden, of bij het voldoen aan de Europese Richtlijn Stedelijk Afvalwater. Het bijdragen aan het ontwikkelen, implementeren en handhaven van beleid maakt een belangrijk onderdeel uit van de werkzaamheden. Bij het ontwikkelen van beleid betrekken we ook maatschappelijke organisaties, zodat nieuwe plannen breed gedragen worden.
Naast ondersteuning bij beleid zijn we ook betrokken bij het duurzaam inbedden van technische oplossingen, bijvoorbeeld voor de opvang van regenwater en voor het tegengaan van waterverontreiniging. In de eerste plaats zorgen we ervoor dat de nieuwe technologie aansluit bij lokale behoeften. Daarnaast werken we samen met overheden en maatschappelijke organisaties aan plannen voor het goed beheren en onderhouden van de betreffende technologie, door middel van kennisoverdracht en training.
Assistance options for improved waste management and water quality in Ukraine
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Date: 2015 - 2016
Country: Ukraine
Exploring opportunities for renewal of bilateral cooperation in the fields of environment and sustainable development, in particular focused on water quality and water management and waste treatment and waste management.
Introducing innovative Dutch technology for improved water infrastructure in South Africa
Client: Private company (Partners for Water)
Date: 2013 - 2015
Country: South Africa
Ameco will implement a pilot project to demonstrate and prove Dutch innovative technologies during the rehabilitation of an existing water basin and polishing pond that is located near the Stellenbosch University, while simultaneously promoting water conservation and integrated water management. Want to read more? Click here
Definition and Development of Water Unions in Turkey
Client: Regional water authority Waternet
Date: 2011-2012
Country: Turkey
The purpose of the project is to create organization types (Water Unions) within the Turkish legislative and social-cultural context that are able to operate and maintain waste water treatment plants in an efficient way; the Water Unions will have an efficient management system and operate in an energy efficient way.
Water quality improvement at landfill sites in Turkey
Client: Private company (Partners for Water)
Date: 2011-2012
Country: Turkey
The project is aimed at studying the technical and economical feasibility, as well as the market potential of sustainable leachate treatment and prevention systems for obsolete landfill sites in Turkey. After the feasibility and technical review, a preliminary design will be made for three distinct dump sites. This preliminary design will serve as a basis for discussions with local and national governmental institutes and agencies, and to market the approach after the start of the project. Want to read more? Click here
Improved drinking water management in Mexico:
Client: Private company (Partners for Water)
Date: 2009-2010
Country: Mexico
Development of a Dutch-Mexican partnership for the implementation of water projects in Mexico. Construction of a water basin for rainwater harvesting and demonstration of Dutch innovative sustainable lining technology; the development of a local water management plan; the development of a business plan for market introduction of the lining technology in Mexico.
Development of an Appropriate Methodology for Wastewater Treatment in Small and Medium Sized Municipalities, Turkey
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD G2G)
Date: 2009-2010
Country: Turkey
The project is aimed at studying the technical and economical feasibility, as well as the market potential of sustainable leachate treatment and prevention systems for obsolete landfill sites in Turkey. After the feasibility and technical review, a preliminary design will be made for three distinct dump sites. This preliminary design will serve as a basis for discussions with local and national governmental institutes and agencies, and to market the approach after the start of the project.
‘Stroomlijn’ management plans:
Client: Netherlands Government Service for Land and Water Management
Date: 2008
Country: Netherlands,
Development of integrated management plans for 10 riverbank areas within the ‘Stroomlijn’ project.
Sustainable Business Management, including Improved Water quality at Albena Tourism Resort
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD-PESP)
Date: 2007-2010
Country: Bulgaria
A feasibility study concerning the introduction of sustainable business management, including improved water quality in the Bulgarian tourism sector at the Black Sea coast.
Development of a River Basin Management Plan for the Mirna River, Istria
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2007-2009
Country: Croatia
Assisting the Croatian Government with the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive, regarding the Mirna River Basin. Institutional strengthening of local, regional and national authorities.
Integrated management plan Natura 2000 and WFD Grensmaas
Client: Public Works, Province of Limburg
Date: 2007-2009
Country: Netherlands, The
Developing the integrated management plan for the Grensmaas in which Natura 2000 and WFD requirements are incorporated.
Action Plan Natura 2000 Grensmaas
Client: Public Works, Province of Limburg
Date: 2006
Country: Netherlands, The
Drafting the Action Plan for the development of the River Basin Management plan and Natura 2000 management plan for the Grensmaas.
Building capacity for water resources management
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MATRA)
Date: 2005-2007
Country: Belarus
Building capacity for integrated water management in the Zapadnaya Dvina River Basin with wide local and regional stakeholder involvement.
Planning for implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and WB21 in 2005-2009
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Date: 2005
Country: Netherlands, The
Assisting the Directorate General for Water with detailed planning for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Netherlands and the ‘WB21’ programme for the period from 2005 until 2009.
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive in a transboundary context
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2004-2006
Country: Hungary, Slovakia
Assisting Hungary and the Slovak Republic in the implementation of the transboundary aspects of the EU Water Framework Directive.
Project plan for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive for the Rhine and Meuse rivers
Client: Coordinatiebureau Rijn en Maas
Date: 2003
Country: Netherlands, The
Preparation of the overall project plan for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive in Rhine and Meuse rivers in The Netherlands. The plan concentrated in particular on how the various government organizations in The Netherlands needed to work together to deliver the various components and reports required by the Directive.
Introduction of sustainable Dutch technologies in Indonesian textile industry
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 2000-2004
Country: Indonesia
Demonstration of environmental management and waste water treatment technology and approaches in an Indonesian textile company. Development of environmental services in cooperation with Bandu University.
Efficient energy and purification at the municipal waste water system in Ludza, Latvia
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD)
Date: 1999-2001
Country: Latvia
The improvement and upgrading of the municipal waste water treatment plant in Ludza. Implementation of training program for operators and environmental inspectors.
Maaswerken (‘Meuse Works’)
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management
Date: 1998-2006
Country: Netherlands, The
Lead adviser to the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, and managing the project secretariat, for the approx. USD 500 million ‘Meuse Works’ project. The development and implementation of plans for the Meuse river to improve flood protection, river navigation and nature development in the Meuse valley. The development of a strategic communication policy. Acting as spokesperson for the project.
Improvement of drinking water quality in Kenya
Client: WOTRO, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MRC- Nairobi
Date: 1989-1998
Country: Kenya
Study on the relations of high fluoride concentrations in drinking water in Kenya (Rift Valley) and the consequences for public health. Development of a programme of measures.